Events 2024

FCA Briefing with Adam Spencer – Royal Visit & Australia’s Republican Movement

Words – Peter Hadfield, Graphic – Raj Suri


The visit of King Charles on 18 October has reignited the debate over whether Australia should lose the monarchy and become a republic. Next week the FCA will host a press briefing with Adam Spencer, vice-Chairman of the Australian Republican Movement, as the ARM launches a new campaign in the run-up to the King’s visit.
 Adam Spencer is a well-known Australian comedian, mathematician and TV personality who has been at the forefront of the Republican Movement since student days. 
 A referendum to abolish the Monarchy failed in 1999. Many pundits felt it would be difficult to change Australia’s status as long as Queen Elizabeth was alive. But now that her less popular heir, Charles III, has ascended to the throne, will Australians change their minds?   
 Will there be support for another referendum that will succeed in abolishing the monarchy?
 What will be the government’s position?
 What does the Australian Republican Movement have planned?

 Apart from the day-to-day activities of the Royal visit, the question of a Republic is the big news story associated with this trip

Join us for what should be an interesting, informative and topical press briefing.

Adam Spencer – Vice Chairman, Australian Republican Movement
Wednesday, October 16, at 11am (AEST) via Zoom


About Adam Spencer

Breakfast radio host, science communicator, television comedian, Australia’s best known mathematician, Adam has worn many hats. But at his heart, he believes in the power of thought and conversation. As such he strongly believes that if we really think about it, and talk about it, Australia will want to take the step of appointing its own, home grown, Head of State.

About Australian Republican Movement
Visit Website

We are peak body advocating on behalf of the Australian people for an Australian republic with an Australian as our Head of State. We believe the Australian people would be better served by a local who can champion the needs and interests of the people. The Australian people are at heart of our movement and we consistently seek their input, feedback and thoughts. It’s not about the ARM or any one interest group or member, it’s about the Australian people and giving them the power to decide how they are governed and by whom. The Australian Republic Movement is the facilitator, the conversation starter and the campaigner for the people.
Our commitment is to strengthening our democracy and celebrating who we are as a nation by putting the Australian people at the core of our government, as opposed to a foreign Head of State.
We are a member-driven body with members able to help shape our policy and campaign.
Our leaders are elected to steer the organisation on behalf of our members. They are volunteers who are passionate about an Australian republic.
It’s a chance to chart our own course.
We are a unique and successful multicultural country. We need someone who understands that to embody us, safeguard our Constitution, be a unifying symbol at home and represent us proudly abroad.

Our Head Of State should work for us full-time and be fully committed. They should be elected on merit, have the skills to do the job, be one of us, accountable to us and unwaveringly loyal to us.

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