EventsEvents 2023

Aboriginal Bush Tucker – Australia’s “newest” Food Trend

Words – Barbara Barkhausen
Photographs –
Raj Suri

6 April 2023, Sydney
FCA members had a great turnout for our indigenous food tour and lunch at the Botanic Gardens in Sydney.
Our indigenous expert Kalkani introduced us to lemon myrtle and paperbark trees, showed us some fascinating properties of Golden Wattle, the medicinal properties of Sarsaparilla and the dangers as well as uses of Warrigal Greens.

Fresh Australian Indigenous produce
Kalkani, Indigenous food tour expert, demonstrating weaving of indigenous plants and usage
Photo: Raj Suri

We all now know where to leave children in the bush (in the middle of Dianella) and sampled Dianella, Lilly Pilly and the very healthy but sour Davidson Plum. We also had a taste test of wallaby, emu, barramundi and crocodile thanks to the cooking skills of the wonderful Auntie Marie.

Lilly Pilly fruit. Photo Raj Suri
Dianella, indigenous plant
Indigenous food tasting by FCA Members
Finger Lime – Lemon Myrtle Marmalade
Marie Barbaric (auntie Marie) who is an Elder, a child of the Stolen Generation, founder & CEO of Koori Kulcha
Emu Sausage Rolls
Wallaby Pie’s
Crocodile Gyoza
Lemon Myrtle Scones
FCA indigenous food tour at the Sydney Botanical Gardens
Sydney Botanical Gardens/ Photo: Raj Suri

We thank our sponsor Tourism Australia for providing this wonderful opportunity for our members. For more information see | |

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